Diseña con letras manuscritas En este curso Sergio Jiménez (Subcoolture) te enseña cómo ilustrar la portada de un libro a partir de nuestras propias letras dibujadas a…
Tag: painting
Many artists are intimidated by the complexity of linear perspective. In this video series, instructor Sheldon Borenstein shows you a friendly and simple approach to perspective. In…
This class is for people who don’t know where to start with urban sketching, for people who are struggling with their first sketches but also for all…
Learn along with Cesar as he shows you: His own color palette, including specific brands, and how to mix the colors to keep your painting realistic. What…
The Portrait in Watercolor with Mark Westermoe Learn to paint the portrait in watercolor with this new course from the late Mark Westermoe. Mark Westermoe was a…
In this second phase of Inking, Doug will be walking you through inking with a brush. In this course he will cover: Landscape Start to Finish, a…
Vesper Stamper taking on illustration allready in 22 years. With this course you will take on all secrets of watercolor, and doing illustration picture books, covers etc.
Expressive Illustration: From Ideas to Execution Join artist Roman Muradov for an in-depth look at the creative method he uses for creating narrative and conceptual illustrations. Inspired…
Learn how to dry brush using acrylic paint to create smooth transitions Have you ever wanted to learn how to use acrylic paints to create beautiful illustrations?…
This class is meant to be a basic overview of oil painting for absolute beginners who may have wanted to start practicing with oil paints but donn’t…
In this class I’m going to show how to approach a long studio painting from beginning to end. I’ll discuss beginning procedures from transferring a drawing, doing…
In this class we’ll go over some basic color terminology so that if you’ve never dabbled in any sort of color media before you won’t feel too…