In the 13-part Creating a Short Film series, filmmaker Chad Perkins showcases what it actually takes to create a short film—from the brainstorming stage, all the way…
Tag: Chad Perkins
Learn what it actually takes to create a short film—from the brainstorming stage, all the way until opening night. Each installment of the 13-part Creating a Short…
The 13-part Creating a Short Film training series showcases what it actually takes to create a short film—from the brainstorming stage, all the way until opening night.…
Directing movies means being in charge of all creative decisions on a movie set: performance, wardrobe, lights, camera movement, color palette, music, and the overall tone of…
Creating a Short Film is a 13-part training series that shows the actual struggles and challenges filmmakers have to overcome to get films made. Chad Perkins and…
Creating a Short Film is a 13-part training series that shows the actual struggles and challenges filmmakers have to overcome to get films made. Author Chad Perkins…
Creating a Short Film is a 13-part training series that shows the actual struggles and challenges filmmakers have to overcome to get films made. Author Chad Perkins…
With the proliferation of inexpensive video cameras and powerful editing and effects software, anyone can make a short independent film. Short films are used to practice filmmaking,…
Learn what it actually takes to create a short film—from the brainstorming stage, all the way until opening night. Each installment of the 13-part Creating a Short…