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Dynamic Concept Art II by Louis Laurent


Release date:2023

Duration:11 h 36 m

Author:Louis Laurent

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Louis Laurent’s second course, “Unleashing Creative Flow: Mastering Concept Art,” is an eagerly awaited continuation of his groundbreaking teachings. Building upon the foundation established in his first course, Laurent’s latest offering aims to revolutionize the way artists approach their creative process, particularly in the realm of concept art.

In this course, Laurent encourages artists to embrace their creative flow and break free from inhibitions that may hinder their artistic expression. Through a series of practical exercises, insightful lectures, and in-depth demonstrations, he guides students towards unlocking their true artistic potential.

The course curriculum covers a wide range of topics designed to empower artists and enhance their conceptual art abilities. Some of the key areas explored include:

  1. Finding Inspiration: Laurent helps students explore various sources of inspiration, both within and outside the art world. By broadening their horizons and exposing themselves to diverse influences, artists can tap into new ideas and perspectives.
  2. Embracing Intuition: Laurent emphasizes the importance of trusting one’s instincts and intuition during the creative process. He teaches methods to connect with one’s inner artistic voice and encourages experimentation without fear of failure.
  3. Cultivating Creative Habits: The course delves into the development of productive habits and routines that foster creativity. Laurent shares techniques for maintaining consistent artistic practice, managing creative blocks, and finding balance in the creative journey.
  4. Exploring Unconventional Techniques: Laurent introduces unconventional approaches to concept art, encouraging students to think outside the box and experiment with unique methods. By pushing boundaries and challenging traditional norms, artists can discover their own distinctive artistic style.
  5. Leveraging Technology: The course also explores the integration of digital tools and techniques in concept art creation. Laurent provides insights into utilizing software, applications, and other digital resources to enhance the creative workflow and achieve desired artistic outcomes.

Throughout the course, students are encouraged to actively engage in hands-on exercises and receive personalized feedback from Laurent. This interactive approach fosters a supportive learning environment where artists can grow and refine their skills.

“Unleashing Creative Flow: Mastering Concept Art” is poised to be a game-changer in the field of concept art, offering a comprehensive framework that empowers artists to approach their craft with newfound confidence and uninhibited creativity.

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1. Hero Asset
01. Introduction

Course Overview
Lesson Overview Hero Asset
Meet Louis (Again)

02. Creative Process

First Ideation Phase Homework
First Ideation Phase
Gathering Reference
Planning the Project
What we_ll be making Creative Process

03. Advance Design Principle

Hierarchy _ Ratio

04. Blocking the Hero Asset

Blocking Homework
Intro to VR _ Non VR
Non-VR Blockout
Precision VR Techniques
VR Blockout
VR Resources

05. Pushing the Design

Creating Context
Initial Texturing
Modeling Refinement
Pushing the Design Homework

06. Detailing Techniques

Booleans and Add Ons

07. Characters

Character Homework
Character Intro
CharacterDesign Crashcourse

08. Finishing

Final Texturing
Finishing Homework
Lighting _ Presentation

09. Render

Hero Asset Render Review
Line Renders Homework
Line Renders
Turntable Homework

10. Bonus Materials

Character Design Crash Course Part 1 Bonus
Character Design Crash Course Part4 Bonus
Character Design CrashCourse Part3 Bonus
CharacterDesign Crash Course Part2 Bonus
Creating ContextBonus
Modeling Refinement Part2 Bonus
Modeling RefinementPart1 bonus
Texturing Hero Asset Bonus
VR Blockout Bonus

2. Advanced Set Design
1. Introduction

Lesson Overview Advanced Set Design

2. Planning

Reference Gathering Homework
What we_ll be making Planning

3. Advanced Composition Fundamentals

Cinematic Elements
Film Study Homework
Film Study
Flow and Structure
Searching for Inspiration

4. First Set Design

Finding a New Keyframe
Initial Blocking
Populating the Scene
Refining Big Shapes
Small Details
Trying ideas in VR

5. Second Set Design

Exploring Making Keyframe
New Set Blocking

6. Extra Detailing Techniques

Radial Array
Sculpt and Remesh

7. Conclusion

First Set Design Breakdown
First Set Design Homework
Renderpass Breakdown
Second set design Breakdown
Second Set Design Homework

8. Bonus Materials

Exploring More Keyframes Bonus
Finding a New Keyframe Bonus
Initial Blocking Bonus
New Set BlockingBonus
Populating the Scene Bonus
Refining Big ShapesBonus
Small Details Bonus
Texturing Bonus Advanced Set Design
Trying ideas in VR Bonus

3. Final Keyframes
1. Introduction

Lesson Overview Final Keyframe

2. Preparation

Collecting Photobash Elements
Layer Organization
Paintover Prep Homework
Photobash Prep
What we_ll be making Final Keyframe

3. Keyframe paintover Techniques

Cleaning the Render
Final Paintover
Future ValueExample
Her0 Keyframe Homework
Hero Keyframe Paintover
Post Processing
Preparing the File
Value Design

4. SupportingPaintovers

Black and White Frame
Black andWhite Paintover Homeworks
Interior Keyframe
Supporting Color Paintover Homework
Supporting Paintover Intros

5. Conclusion

Final Advice
Using BonusMaterials

6. Bonus Materials

Black and White Keyframe 2 Bonus
Black and White Keyframe Bonus Final Keyframe
Black andWhite Keyframe 3 Bonus
Black _ White Keyframe 1 Bonus
Exterior Keyframe 2 Bonus
Exterior Keyframe 3 Bonus
Hero Keyframe Paintover Bonus
Interior Key frame 3 Bonus
Interior Keyframe 1 Bonus
InteriorKeyframe2 Bonus

[Learn Squared] Dynamic Concept Art II by Louis Laurent.7z.001.rar
[Learn Squared] Dynamic Concept Art II by Louis Laurent.7z.002.rar
[Learn Squared] Dynamic Concept Art II by Louis Laurent_Subtitles.7z

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  1. Hola, could someone please check the resource files. I do not usually have an issue opening the .7z files from the site, however for this course there is the error message “The archive file is incomplete” and so the .7z files do not unpack.

  2. Can an admin please check the current .7z files for this course and re-upload them? The compressed files above will not unpack when downloaded.

  3. I would really appreciate some feedback from the admins about the corrupted resource files currently available above. I haven’t experienced a problem unpacking .7z files from the site before, so it seems there is a fault with either the source file or the way it was compressed/uploaded.

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