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Introduction to Plasticine Painting (Spanish, Multisub)


Release date:2022

Author:Jacinta Besa González

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Not Provided

Learn how to paint with a versatile material that will give volume and texture to your works
Perhaps in your life you have painted with watercolors, acrylics, colored pencils or even with aerosols, but have you ever painted with plasticine? In this course you will discover the properties of this fun material to apply to your illustrations.

From the hand of Jacinta Besa, a Chilean visual artist, you will learn to work plasticine as a volumetric pigment and understand the use of color through a different material.

What will you learn in this online course?
You will start by knowing Jacinta, her professional career and how she fell in love with plasticine as material for her works. You will also meet some of its references.

In this course you will learn about the clay and its qualities, how to mix them and on what surfaces to apply it so that it does not lose its properties. Jacinta will guide you in the choice of the image on which you will be based, and then draw it and get your hands on the plasticine.

You will practice the volume and color exercises. You will deepen the distinction of warm and cold colors to enrich the range of colors with which you will work. You will learn to make a color palette with plasticine mixtures, which will be your basis for creating your own language with which you will paint your model.

You will see step by step how Jacinta performs the color palette, examples of techniques and then how she paints the model with modeling clay. You will learn painting techniques, starting from green tones, to pink ones. Then, you can apply them in your drawing until the end of the piece.

Once the project is finished, Jacinta will demonstrate how to clean the surface and give you advice on how to frame it. The project ends with a work of art finished and ready to hang.

What is this course’s project?
You will create a painting with plasticine of an approximate size of 30 x 40 cm.

Who is this online course for?
To artists, designers, embroiderers and, in general, anyone who is interested in learning more about the use of color applied to an unconventional material.

Requirements and materials
You do not need previous knowledge.

As for materials, you will need: sheets of paper, pencil, eraser, masking tape, a cut of transparent acrylic, plasticine (at least 2 boxes) and absorbent paper.

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