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Illustration Technique with Warm Colors [Coloso, Vora Yoo, GBC Dub]


Release date:2021, September 29

Author:Vora Yoo

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

“With the drawing method I teach you, you can create vintage-style watercolor and colored pencil-like effects even with digital drawing.”​

Digital illustration drawing completed with vintage watercolor and colored pencil coloring techniques.
‘Story’ and ‘Coloring’ classes are essential for pictures that warm your heart when you look at them.
In this class, you can learn the drawing know-how of artist Bora Yoo, who embodies the warm and vintage feel of watercolor and colored pencil, which are unique to actual handwork, through computer graphics, starting with storytelling planning methods that form the overall atmosphere of a painting.

There are even ways to use the images completed through the class in various ways. We will generously share the know-how of a working illustrator.

An illustrator who warms the heart: Yoo Bora’s portfolio.
Why Take This Class?

There are so many things I like.
When I get confused about what to draw, I try to establish more clearly what I want to draw and quickly improve the quality of my drawings.
Try to solve it in a way that allows you to grow.

Through this class, you will be able to clearly establish what you like and develop the drawing skills to realize your imagination.

We have prepared a class where you can learn the basic aspects of color, such as the three primary colors to understand basic color combinations and the tone expression of characters, as well as detailed character design methods and artist Bora Yoo’s unique style.

In this class, we will create results that look like colored pencils and watercolors based on basic art theories:​
  • Find your taste
  • From storyboard to line drawing
  • Diagramming objects
  • Learn the correction effect
  • How to apply deformation
  • How to express facial features
  • Facial expression change
  • Learn the difference between warm and cool colors
  • How to express texture
  • How to express picture details
  • Complete the picture
  • Know-how for commercializing paintings
Class Features

Learning core theories for beginner illustrators:
There are a lot of things you want to draw, but you don’t know how to draw them, right? Before you start drawing, I will provide a guide to help you find your favorite style and what you want to draw. You can learn the core theory step by step through the main functions of Photoshop required for drawing.

Two methods of expressing warm colors using watercolor and colored pencil:
How to embody the hand-washed watercolor feel and fluffy charm of colored pencils with computer graphics! Illustrator Yoo Bora will teach you how to use color combinations and various brushes and textures to create her own lovely images.

How to compose a warm story in one picture:
The secret to conveying warmth through pictures. It’s right there in the story. We will teach you how to compose a story that goes beyond the detailed description of the picture and adds to the overall mood and vitality of the picture.


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