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High-End Beauty 2.0 by Nelly Roshchina (Russian, Eng sub)


Release date:2022, April

Author:Nelly Roshchina

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Welcome to this advanced video lesson designed for retouchers with intermediate and intermediate+ levels of knowledge in Photoshop. If you are confident in your basic retouching skills, including a complete understanding of Photoshop tools and functionality, masks, layers, adjustment layers, frequency decomposition techniques, and dodge & burn, then this course is perfect.

The lesson program will take you through a detailed analysis of two beauty portraits and an accelerated retouching process for two more images from the same series. The step-by-step process will cover everything from photo development in C1 / ACR to final adjustments in Photoshop.

In this updated program, we have optimized the workflow with layers so that you can make edits quickly and efficiently without deleting the top layers with final adjustments. You will learn the most detailed and convenient algorithm of work used by the instructor herself, ensuring a seamless and productive retouching process.

Throughout this video lesson, we will delve into various topics, including working with makeup, hair, eyelashes, eyebrows, and developing skin texture. Additionally, you will learn how to create realistic volumes and master other essential techniques to enhance the overall quality of your retouched portraits.

By the end of this course, you will have a deep understanding of advanced retouching techniques and the confidence to take your retouching skills to the next level. Join us as we explore the intricacies of professional retouching, and elevate your portrait editing skills to new heights!

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