Welcome to the Foundation Patreon Group! The Foundation Team Originally founded by John Park & Matthew Zikry, the Foundation Team has expanded their efforts by welcoming professionals…
Category: Patreon
Foundation Patreon- Dynamic Sketching: Architecture Welcome to the Foundation Patreon Group!
I’ve been working in the field of digital grooming for vfx for many years and want to use the patreon platform to spread the knowledge I’ve gained…
I’ve been working in the field of digital grooming for vfx for many years and want to use the patreon platform to spread the knowledge I’ve gained…
This term I’m working on some cool toned hair colored beauties ^u^
Hey everyone! Thanks for joining me on Patreon. I will be covering my pipeline and process. Whether its mostly CG environments & matte paintings or more projection…
Hello everyone I present to you the next course, 10 weeks of intense Procedural Modeling, as this is a “LIVE” course, you can suggest and quite possible…
Hey Guys, Session 8 Complete!! Thank you for the support so far! Content: 1. Painterly techniques 2. Miyazaki style paintings 3. BONUS: designing and painting a mech!…
-Activity Feed access, patron only previews+teasers patron only view – NSFW/yaoi/yuri poll voting !!(will be open again next month) -Tier 1 reward -PSD(9)winter melon,Sagittarius,Daisy, Emma Frost, KrilinXandoid18,…
-more psds (6-8 ish) and jpgs ! (6-8 ish) -December themed art! -Krilin X andoid 18 couple piece -Sagittarius (Horoscope of the month) -more video process (6-8…
We’re both CG artists working somewhere in between art, VFX and technology. And we both have a passion for teaching. While working on commercial projects we often…
48 min tutorial on drawing heads and expressions.