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How To Draw Eyes – Intermediate Shapes and Forms by JW Learning


Release date:2023, July 10

Duration:00 h 37 m

Author:JW Learning

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Welcome to the Intermediate Art Lesson on mastering the construction of eyes! Eyes can be challenging to draw due to their intricate shapes and forms, but in this class, we will delve deep into understanding their anatomy and learn how to create realistic and captivating eyes.

We’ll begin by establishing a foundation of the basic shapes and forms that make up the eye’s structure. This will give us a solid understanding of the anatomical elements involved. Next, we’ll focus on positioning the eyeball correctly within the eye socket, ensuring accuracy in our drawings.

Moving forward, we’ll explore the brow ridge and cheek shapes, understanding how they interact with the eyes and contribute to the overall facial structure. This knowledge will help us create convincing and natural-looking eyes in our artwork.

The construction of the eyelids is an essential aspect of drawing eyes realistically. We’ll study different eyelid shapes and explore techniques for depicting them accurately, adding depth and dimension to our drawings.

Finally, we’ll dive into rendering the iris and capturing the subtle details that make each eye unique. We’ll explore techniques for rendering the iris and creating highlights that bring life to our drawings.

Whether you have struggled with drawing eyes in the past or you’re looking to enhance your skills, this class is designed to help you overcome those challenges and level up your abilities. By the end of the lesson, you’ll have a solid foundation in eye construction and be equipped with the techniques needed to create captivating and realistic eyes in your artwork.

Let’s embark on this exciting journey of mastering eye construction together. Enroll now and let’s begin refining our skills and creating stunning eye drawings!

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