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Adobe Lightroom Classic – Advanced Workflow & Tips for Enhancing Your Color Edits


Release date:2023, June

Duration:01 h 39 m

Author:Evgeniya & Dominic Righini-Brand

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

In this class, you will learn how to effectively utilize the range of Adobe Lightroom Classic color editing tools to enhance your photographic edits and give them character and personality.

While capturing great photographs is essential, the editing process plays a crucial role in transforming a good photograph into a truly exceptional one. Unedited and raw digital photographs often lack the depth and emotion that color editing can bring. By working with colors and tones, you can add personality, character, and excitement to your photo edits, allowing them to speak and tell a story.

The Adobe Lightroom Classic software offers a wide array of color editing tools, and I understand that navigating through them can be overwhelming. In this class, I will guide you through each of the tools, explaining their unique functions and how they differ from one another. You will also learn how to combine these tools effectively, maximizing their potential to create versatile and visually pleasing edits that convey your desired aesthetic.

As a professional photographer, designer, and educator with a passion for film photography and recreating filmic looks in digital photographs, I will share my special tips, techniques, and workflows with you. I have developed a structured approach to color editing in Lightroom Classic, which will help you better understand when and how to use various tools for working with colors and tones. You will gain insights into integrating these tools seamlessly into your editing workflow, resulting in exciting and varied edits that truly enhance your images.

By the end of this class, you will have a deeper understanding of Adobe Lightroom Classic’s color editing tools, and you will be able to apply them confidently and creatively to your raw photographs. Your newfound knowledge and skills will allow you to produce aesthetically pleasing edits that captivate viewers and convey your unique vision.

I look forward to sharing this journey with you and helping you unlock the full potential of Adobe Lightroom Classic for enhancing your color edits. Let’s create stunning photographs that tell compelling stories together!

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