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Swimwear Retouching


Release date:2019

Duration:01 h 45 m

Author:Kolin Glenn

Skill level:Advanced


Exercise files:Yes

Learn full body skin smoothing, body shaping, how to remove distractions, how to correct exposure, skin tones, add hair and more.

Make Advanced Selections
Learn how to make advanced selections using the pen tool. We show you how easy it is to create detailed paths and turn those into incredibly accurate selections so you can edit the areas you want.

Frequency Separation
Learn how to separate the colors and textures from your images so you can adjust the colors while maintaining the original textures. This is perfect for adjusting skin tones. With the included Phlearn Frequency Separation Action you can do this more easily than ever.

Shape Your Subject
Make your subject look their best without looking unnatural using the liquify tool properly. Use what you learn to dramatically alter the shapes and tone a person bringing attention to the right places.

Dodge and Burn
Learn how to expertly dodge and burn to draw attention to your subject using multiple layers. Alter the highlights and shadows to create extra details in specific areas. Use what you learn to add style and interest to any image.

Retouch and Add Hair
Completely reshape and composite additional hair to give your subject a more balanced look. Learn multiple techniques for enhancing color, shine and clarity. Your subjects will look better than ever.

Adjust Skin Tone
There’s no specific formula for creating a perfect skin tone. Follow along and learn different processes for adjusting these tones and colors to keep your subjects looking great.

Remove Blemishes
Learn the power of the healing brush and clone stamp. By combining multiple layers and effectively using these tools, you can completely makeover any portrait image. Give your subjects a stunning glow and perfect skin.

Remove Distractions
Refine your images by removing unwanted distractions. Master multiple techniques that will allow you to remove literally anything leaving only the focal points you decide.

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