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Design a Logo in Modern Style


Release date:2019

Duration:00 h 57 m

Author:George Bokhua

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Learn how to create a simple, solid, and modern brand mark in this popular logo design class with designer George Bokhua! Each lesson makes it easy and fun to get inspired, learn techniques, and gain skills for designing your next logo.

Knowing how to design a great logo is a core skill in a graphic designer’s toolkit. When you think of a business or brand, the first thing that comes to mind is nearly always the logo. It is the visual representation of that product, place, thing, or business. Its impact is huge.

And as for style? The power of simplicity should never be underestimated, as oftentimes simple shapes and colors communicate a stronger message than an over-done image. It creates an immediate impression in a viewer’s mind.

Designer George Bokhua works primarily with monochromatic, simple shapes in logo and identity design. This Skillshare class explores that style, so that you can learn how to maximize communication with minimal information.

Throughout the lessons, he creates multiple logos. You’ll learn about:

Applying a strong, simple, and minimal design aesthetic to logo design
Creating simple marks from complex characters, from inspiration and reference to sketching
Applying minimalism to typographic logos, from concept and sketch to refining in Adobe Illustrator
Creating a negative space mark
Understanding simplification and perception in design are essential to becoming more fluent as a logo designer. This class will give you all the tools you need to spot effective logo design and, most importantly, communicate effectively with your own logos.

Please note that this class is primarily a theoretical approach to logo design. It will challenge your design approach and push your skill in different types of logos. Basic familiarity with Adobe Illustrator is strongly recommended.

Table of Contents

1. Overview 0:56
2. Introduction and Useful Reference Literature 3:14
3. Moodboard Preparation 5:01
4. Image Selection 3:10
5. Pre-sketching and Sketching 3:09
6. Minimizing Anchor Points 4:51
7. Refining and Fine-Tuning 5:39
8. Adding Color and Post-Project Advice 2:49
9. Gridding 11:17
10. Sketching for Letter Marks 2:14
11. Execution and Refining of Letter “K” 6:44
12. Project Intro 0:23
13. Negative Space Boxer Sketching 2:50
14. Execution of a Negative Space Boxer 3:53
15. Words of Wisdom 0:39
16. Explore Design on Skillshare 0:37

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